Thursday, July 27, 2017

SWEET AGONY FINALE -END PAGE (Right click to save or open the comic in a new tab to see the full size!)

Literally the end as told by Nancy's punished rear end!!!

Nancy Cotton and Agony conceptualized by SPRG
Everything drawn, colored and arranged by me!

SWEET AGONY FINALE -PG 3 (Right click to save or open the comic in a new tab to see the full size!)

Nancy is totally overwhelmed in this adventure.... Enjoy!

Nancy Cotton and Agony conceptualized by SPRG
Everything drawn, colored and arranged by me!
SWEET AGONY FINALE -PG 2 (Right click to save or open the comic in a new tab to see the full size!)

The comic speaks for itself my friends... Yes, Teeva has a tickle energy, double dildo, strap on... Makes short work of anyone's resolve.... Enjoy!

Nancy Cotton and Agony conceptualized by SPRG
Everything drawn, colored and arranged by me!