Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Job of a Different Kind- Part 2

Hey everyone!

Due to the popularity of the first pic... I have created a second one with Yenny satisfying her "off and on" skinny romantic interest, Kelso once again... ;)

Once again, this pic is being done before any significant changes happen to the Yenny series once it's reboot has dropped. If there are any, then I can claim this pic follows the original series elements... :D

More info on that in the first picture...

I hope you all enjoy...

The uncensored pic is posted to my FA account and my Bomber's Galaxy Blog. If you don't know where those are, ask someone, or send me a note. ;)

Yenny Lopez is (C) to Dave Alvarez
Everything drawn and colored by me... <b>Sir Bombers</b>

Disclaimer: This picture is for fan related purposes and entertainment. The adult content depicted is primarily the interest of Sir Bombers and is in no way endorsed by, promoted by, or affiliated to Dave Alvarez or the Yenny comic series.

Friday, November 21, 2014

UPDATE: 11/24/14

Redrew most of Yenny's left foot to show even more of it. 

(Right click and select "View image" to see this at full size!)

Hello everyone...

I bring you what is perhaps the first depiction of the big footed, blue haired, Puerto Rican girl, "Yenny" giving a footjob.

It was bound to happen some day and I figure that it wouldn't hurt considering that there are other adult pictures of Yenny on the internet that have been around for quite some time. Plus her MTJ Pub "ticklish adventure" collections are publicly available for anyone to stumble upon, whether young or old.  Despite all this, the content of those pictures haven't detracted from Yenny's popularity or the series as a whole.

Anyway this pic is kind of funny to me... Yenny has been well known to the foot fetish community for more than a decade. Many have fantasized about Yenny doing this, but no one until now has actually drawn it! She's literally one of the most popular foot fetish characters in the community and no one has depicted her doing one of the ultimate foot fetish related fantasies..

Also, I feel this picture isn't too far fetched or out of line. My reasoning is Yenny is naturally a character who inspires such adult themes in people despite being focused on a young teen to adult audience...  She is a 22 year old woman who knows she's beautiful and won't hesitate to flaunt that beauty to others, almost 90% of her skin is bare as she wears very skimpy clothing (Heck she even jogged in a thong...), she has been in romantic relationships and she's open minded to foot fetishism... The way she is written and drawn as a character makes her a candidate for naughty ideas, no different from Jessica Rabbit, or Poison Ivy, or Lara Croft.

The picture pretty much speaks for itself! I hope you enjoy

Yenny Lopez is (C) to Dave Alvarez
Everything drawn and colored by me... Sir Bombers

Disclaimer: This picture is for fan related purposes and entertainment. The erotic activity depicted is primarily the interest of Sir Bombers and is in no way endorsed by, promoted by or affiliated to to Dave Alvarez or the Yenny comic series.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Podarian Antidote...


Hello everyone...

For... Chimp's Art Jam...

Goodbye, Mr. Chimp art jam poster by grippedchimp

Many of you knew this day would come... It is finally time to give Poisonous the punishment he deserves...

...Don't mind us, we're only fulfilling what our dear friend grippedchimp or more so the evil side Poisonous, considers a Petty Revenge Fantasy ... which in other words means a trivial retaliation for trivial reasons...

But take a look at what was done to us...

Poisonous owns Teeva and Bombers by grippedchimp

SUDDENLY our reasons for revenge to Poisonous don't seem so "petty" in comparison to having a gun pointed at the back of our heads, with him threatening to "ventilate" them, and verbally abusing us while he's at it...Seriously...wouldn't YOU want some one to pay for... I don't know... threatening to take YOUR LIFE away?

Anyway Princess Teeva is handling the session here as she has extensive experience is various torture methods, while I handle all the mechanics behind the scenes.  The torture she has chosen was one that she herself has been through back in her early BDSM days. Teeva found torture like this to be immensely satisfying thanks to how her brain is biologically wired to handle pain (and along the same lines with tickling), but a person without such an addiction will find it intensely painful, and humiliating which is exactly what Poisonous needs for his offensive actions to the Royal Podarian Family.

There was a little snag in the plan at first... with Poisonous unable to feel pain due to not having any organs...

(which is kind of funny, because according to Poisonous Must Die - part 7 Poisonous says he's able to send signals through his body in order to control it, but it's a wonder how that is possible without nerves... Nerves are necessary to send and receive voluntary messages/signals to muscles so you could do basic things like walk, make hand gestures, maybe punch or choke someone perhaps? You can't just be synthetic skeleton and muscle with nothing in between to be able to control them... Yes,I know Poisonous can control the body like a puppet, but even still, signals have to be received somehow...Heck, Poisonous culd have just been in a mechanical suit that looked like the younger Chimp, and it would have had the same effect....  but anyway.)

 With many resources at her disposal and spending some time with a few major consultants who specialize in advanced alien medical science, Teeva was able to come up with a quick device that is able to temporarily implant synthetic nerves within a living long as  the subject is strapped in to the device. It uses a lesser, but similar re-growth technology that is used in the Podarian re-growth chambers that they have at their hospitals. These chambers regenerate nerves that have been badly damaged or have been completely destroyed within limbs...

Teeva's lesser version however comes with the added bonus of also being bondage device....

Interestingly enough, Humans also have nerve re-growth methods, but the process they have is slow and rudimentary in comparison. Teeva's device will inject thousands of nerve-like "tendrils" that will enter from the ankles and flow throughout the body connecting to all of the corresponding areas that are necessary to produce the appropriate sensations. Many of the them will connect to the brain... or in this case, the sentient mask of Poisonous himself. These Tendrils consist of all the materials that can mimic those of actual nerves.

The downside to all of this is that the implantation process is extremely painful and nauseating depending on where the nerves are forming, plus some of the synthetic nerves will show through the skin producing not permanent, but unappealing dark colored lines. Once removed from the device, the tendrils will disintegrate when they do not receive additional electricity, but will leave a sort of uneasy "phantom sensation" for a few hours.  So you can only imagine what Poisonous has to go through as a person who is feeling actual nerve sensations for the first time. With more "experimentation" and further collaboration with her medical consultants, Teeva can make a much smaller re-growth device that can be surgically implanted within a body, which will do the same synthetic implantation, but will encourage the body to accept the nerve tendrils as it's own. This will allow Poisonous to be able to be punished sufficiently by other individuals...

Two first rate assassins to be exact... ;)

While letting Poisonous feel the unforgiving wrath of a fierce beating, amongst other painful and probing stimulation, Teeva makes sure to let Poisonous know how insignificant he is by emphasizing his various vulnerabilities, and the fact that he is nothing more than an hollow shell who embarked on a rampage that can be summed up as a "overly destructive and poorly thought out temper tantrum".

 Even Chimp wasn't safe as Teeva angrily expressed his substandard performance during the whole fiasco.

The Podarians believe that Chimp was lethargic and irresponsible in the whole ordeal, as it took a very significant amount of months before he actually did anything to try to solve the problem... He didn't even try to discuss the issue with his close friends in an attempt to just alert them of any possible danger, or take action to try to come up with a plan to see if an alliance can be made to figure out ways to stop Poisonous... or at least find some people who can. Blame being a "simple civilian" all you want... at least be proactive and-do-SOMETHING. It was YOUR issue and you have to handle it by any means necessary... not wait around and wallow in self-misery until it's too late.  Due to his inaction, many associates of his who had nothing to do with the fiasco, were forced to get involved and were subsequently harmed and violated... plus an untold amount of damage was probably caused in Poisonous' wake.

We also consider him inept in his performance, attempting to solve the issue on his own on a few occasions. It's as if he totally forgot everything that had to be done for the second HARVEST, which was pretty much a very similar situation, with similar elements at stake. Chimp is already experienced in this kind of "kidnap and go rescue" scenario and yet it was like he was a completely different individual within the Poisonous Saga. Totally a huge deviation from what the character that was previously established. Our criticism is also focused for the maiden issue... we can excuse the Chimp for not knowing about the previous seven maidens being captured, but we cannot excuse him for failing to save the 8th maiden "Bey". He knew where she was, knew she was in danger, had plenty of opportunity to warn her, and possibly the means to keep her safe, but he didn't make an attempt to save her until the very day that Poisonous had finally figured out where she was! This is after Poisonous had kidnapped the first seven maidens, brainwashed them, had them beat up Chimp, and he went on his "owning spree" which lasted along the span of several months. There was a generous amount of time and opportunities to ensure Bey's safety, and Chimp failed to take them without any explanation as to why... which is completely unacceptable. 

Lastly, the most recent criticism is Chimp's New "cathartic business venture"...

The Chimp's new cathartic business venture by grippedchimp  

Along with our new partners Celeste and Percy headed by kd8lmno...   We do not agree with having to pay Chimp in order to have retribution. Poisonous did an unprovoked attack on us, offended and put our lives at stake...and even after all this, it appears that Chimp is doing nothing but taking advantage of our victimization for his own monetary gain. Not only did we get roped into Chimp's issues, but he wants us to pay for the results those issues caused as well... Stop one villain to create another, eh Chimp?  

Sorry, but it will take much more than a silly mysterious barrier to keep us from getting what we rightfully deserve as you can see in the picture....Plus what could we pay you anyway? Our space money is no good to you on earth.... ;)

Part Two
The Reonan Antidote... By kd8lmno

The Reonan Antidote by kd8lmno

Next part: TBA


Artist notes....

Finally happy to see this picture released. It's over a year old and I drew it in the days before Poisonous went on his "owning spree"... I had to give it quite an overhaul and I'm pleased with the result...

This is probably the darkest and most anger filled drawing of Teeva I've ever done...  Poisonous will put the anger within you... :D

If you guys and gals want to see the uncensored picture... you can see it on my blog where I post my naughty pictures... Ask around. I'm sure someone knows where it is... ;)

Enjoy my friends... Especially you, Chimp... ;)

Princess Teeva is (C) to me... Sir Bombers
Poisonous Monkey is (C) to :icongrippedchimp:
Everything drawn, colored and written, by me!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Podarian Puss.

Looks like this is the most explicit pic of Princess Teeva I've ever made... XD

Recently my friend ZP92 made this awesome pic to satisfy Teeva...

Well my picture here shows how satisfied she was the moment she saw that towering lizard cawk... XD

The story behind this is Teeva has many portraits of male "members" on her bedroom wall that she likes to gaze at before "rubbing" herself to sleep... ;) She sees these pictures as "trophies" of her adventures with the many males she has encountered around the universe. Beneath these, she keeps a vial of their semen as an additional trophy.

I guess you can say the royal princess of Podaria is just as perverted as any man... ;)

ZP92 was next on her list, and he happily obliged the picture that you see in Teeva's thought bubble.

Who know who could be her next trophy? ... ;)

Teeva is © to me... Sir Bombers... XD
Lizard Cawk pic is © to ZP92...